Tuesday, March 1, 2011

How secure is Microsoft Access? Part 1

One complaint I hear from many IT professionals who don't like Microsoft Access is that it really isn't very secure. Although Access is not as secure as some larger Database Management Systems, there are a number of things you can do, that when used in combination, can really help to secure your database. In this post, I'll present a few simple tasks that you can do that will keep out preying eyes. These methods are quick and easy and can be implemented right away.

I. Encrypting your database. Encrypting a database compacts the database file and helps protect it from being read by a word processor. Encrypting is particularly useful when you transmit a database electronically (FTP or Email), or when your store it on a flash drive or compact disc. Remember though that most databases will grow very fast and thus transporting them becomes very difficult anyway. Also, many email programs (Outlook included) don't like to receive emails with Access files attached. They basically view them as threats and it's difficult to receive. One quick way around this is to zip the file first and then send it.

WARNING: Encrypting will slow down the performance of your database.

II. Hide your objects and database window. This is a very simple method of securing objects (tables, forms, reports) from the casual user. Through the Start up properties, you can set your database to not show the database window at startup. You can also select settings that will stop the user from un-hiding the database window. Then if a user gets into the database window they won't see the tables, etc. that would get them into the information.

WARNING: This is not a very secure method. It only stops the casual person from accidently opening these objects. Anyone who know a little about Access will know how to unhide the objects, but it is still good practice to do.

III. Create a database password. As with most Office applications, Access provides the ability to set a database password in order to open it. This again is a simple means of protecting your data from others and limits access to the system to a select few that know the password. In this case, there is only one password. All authorized users must know the password in order to access the system. Although this is a good means of keep unauthorized users out of the system, it doesn't help much when certain authorized users only need some of the data.

WARNING: There are programs out on the market that can break Access passwords very easily. I have a number of them that I use to help people when they forget their own passwords that they set.

IV. Create user sign-on. Access has its own built in user level security. You can create users, provide individual passwords, have the user authenticate when they open the database, and restrict certain users to certain objects. I have always found that this is easy to get started with but not robust enough and have always opted for developing my own security for my databases. In doing so, you can not only restrict certain users to certain objects, but you can also limit the data they see. If Joe is the salesmen for the NY area, then I can limit Joe's view of the customer table to only NY customers.

These are some very simple methods that can help to secure your database. In our next blog post, I'll discuss a few more technical methods that can really lock things down.


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